Five Kinds of Intolerance


Someone suffering from anxiety is likely to exhibit behavioral examples like

Anxiety itself is not a form of intolerance, but it is a possible result. Suicide can be a result of a lot of
things like traumatic incidents, mental disorders, depression, lack of emotional support, failure,
and social isolation. Social anxiety can cause social isolation. Social anxiety that is not caused by
a traumatic incident or other environmental factor can not be prevented. This kind has been mentally
delevoped over time on its own terms, and can not be prevented, but there are treatments such as
medicine, but some patients misuse it. If you suffer from social anxiety, face your fears at your
own pace. Doing this could really be better for you in the long run, because it helps you get more
comfortable in social situations by coping with your condition.

This website was not made by liscened physicians, so seek professional help for more information
and solutions if you need it.


Both genders can suffer from sexism, but women are more often victims to sexist comments or behavior.
Women go through cat-calling and offending comments. Most women respond with ample attitude towards
the source of the verbal comments. This response has recieved one in return; that some women are responsible
for their own sexual abuse. In the same essence, one of the main reason people are against feminism is that
they think feminists are too quick to react negatively to events that imply a woman was taken advantage of.

The solution to sexism starts with us. Feminism works toward eradicating the oppression of females and the
pressure on males to act a certain way. Promoting this movement would help solve the overlying problem
of sexism.


Homophobia is the dislike of, or predjudice against homosexuals. It can leave many LGBT teens feeling isolated,
lonely and ashamed. The irrational fear of homosexuals creates an environment where such individuals face
harrassment in the forms of mostly verbal, physical, and mental abuse. This abuse is present in schools, communities,
and homes across the globe. All of this negativity adds on to the self-doubt that causes LGBT teens to turn to drugs
and/or alcohol to numb their feelings. A lack of tolerance for homosexuals also affects straight people
(heterosexuals).Homophobia can ruin familial relationships. Some family members break off their relationships with
LGBT relatives.

Possible solutions for homophobia are centered around therapy. A mentally medical professional would be
able to help you get through this problem (homophobia). Another solution is to not let it affect you. Sexuality
is a weird way to define someone. If you have a problem with some's sexual orientation, think about some of
their other traits. Love people for the kind of person they are, not the kind of person they love.


This kind of discrimination is almost always directed to someone of a race that's based on the color of their skin
or whatever they believe in. Examples of racism: An African-American man was arrested because his wife asked, "Can you not
arrest him in front of the kids?"

The officer said to the father, "You're going to jail because your wife keeps running her mouth." The officer did not have
to fulfill the wife's wishes, but it is obvious that he made the comment he did while arresting her husband because he
he was insulted by a black woman insulting him, a white man with authority.

Much like the solutions to some other problems on this site, a possible solution to racism is to acknowledge and become
okay with the fact that everyone is not like you, and that everyone's differences are what makes life so interesting,
beautiful, and unique.


Bullying is when someone harrassess someone else. This can be mental, physical, social, emotional, and/or cyber bullying.
To prevent bullying you stop it before it starts. If you experince harrasment on a regular basis, tell a teacher, a parent,
or guardian. This harrassment could be directed towards you or someone else. Helping yourself or someone else is
not being a tattle tale. If you see it, report it. It's all about commonuncation.

Victims of bullying can show certain signs. Such signs are known as symptoms. This includes unexplained injuries,
a change in eating habits, or being less sociable than before. Not all victims of bullying show these signs.
This is when you have to pay attention. If you think someone is a victim of bullying, ask them about it. Sometimes
it is easier for the victim to be approached by someone who is willing to help rather than appraoching someone on
their own. Bullies mainly try to humiliate their victims and make them devastated. This can lead to the victim
feeling responsible for the bullying, and they will begin to believe that the harrassment is their fault, and there
fore should not talk to anyone about what is going on. Whenever you see a student or peer in danger, make sure you
take it seriously.